object MainForm: TMainForm Left = 193 Top = 109 Width = 347 Height = 348 Caption = 'TPagePrinter Test Application' Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Prn: TPagePrinter Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 339 Height = 291 HorzScrollBar.Increment = 16 HorzScrollBar.Range = 216 HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True VertScrollBar.Increment = 16 VertScrollBar.Range = 276 VertScrollBar.Tracking = True Align = alClient AutoScroll = False Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] TabOrder = 0 DefaultColWidth = 0.999999999999999900 FileName = 'C:\TestFile.txt' FriendlyFooter = '&l&d&r&t' FriendlyHeader = '&l&i&rPage &p' Lines.Strings = ( 'type' ' TMainForm = class(TForm)' ' Prn: TPagePrinter;' ' Panel1: TPanel;' ' btnPreview: TButton;' ' Label1: TLabel;' ' btnNextPage: TSpeedButton;' ' btnPrevPage: TSpeedButton;' ' Label4: TLabel;' ' ZoomList: TComboBox;' ' ZoomTimer: TTimer;' ' btnPrint: TButton;' ' procedure btnPreviewClick(Sender: TObject);' ' procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);' ' procedure btnNextPageClick(Sender: TObject);' ' procedure btnPrevPageClick(Sender: TObject);' ' procedure ZoomListKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);' ' procedure ZoomListClick(Sender: TObject);' ' procedure ZoomTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);' ' procedure btnPrintClick(Sender: TObject);' ' private' ' { Private declarations }' ' public' ' { Public declarations }' ' end;' '' '' 'NETDI: NdiCreate(TCP/IP) OK' '' 'NETDI: NETDI: lpRegLogConf = 0x0' '' 'NETDI: ClassInstall (0x9 on 0x19fe:0xfa0) on at Enum\Root\Net\0' + '000' '' 'NETDI: Validating TCP/IP at Enum\Network\MSTCP\0000, rc = 0x0' '' 'NETDI: Validating Client for NetWare Networks at Enum\Network\NW' + 'REDIR\0000, rc = 0x0' '' 'NETDI: Validating Client for Microsoft Networks at Enum\Network\' + 'VREDIR\0000, rc = 0x0' '' 'NETDI: Validating NetBEUI at Enum\Network\NETBEUI\0000, rc = 0x0' '' 'NETDI: Validating IPX/SPX-compatible Protocol at Enum\Network\NW' + 'LINK\0000, rc = 0x0' '' 'NETDI: Validating Dial-Up Adapter at Enum\Root\Net\0000, rc = 0x' + '0 NETDI: ClassInstall(0x9) end NETDI: ClassInstall (0xa on 0x19f' + 'e:0xfa0) on at Enum\Root\Net\0000 NETDI: ChangeLine: No matches' + ' found. NETDI: ClassInstall(0xa) end' '' 'NETDI: ClassInstall (0xc on 0x19fe:0xfa0) on at Enum\Root\Net\0' + '000' '' 'NETDI: ClassInstall(0xc) end') MarginBottom = 1.000000000000000000 MarginLeft = 0.999999999999999900 MarginRight = 0.999999999999999900 MarginTop = 1.000000000000000000 PageBorderOffset = 0.062500000000000000 PageBorders = [pbTop, pbBottom] TableFormat = '<1|^-1|>1' TableGrid = True Title = 'PagePrinter Testing' end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 291 Width = 339 Height = 30 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 object btnPrevPage: TSpeedButton Left = 153 Top = 4 Width = 25 Height = 25 Glyph.Data = { 4E010000424D4E01000000000000760000002800000012000000120000000100 040000000000D800000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB000000BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB000000BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB000000BBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB000000BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB000000BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00 00007FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000078888888888888888F000000788888888888 88888F00000078888888888888888F00000078888888888888888F0000007777 7777777777777F000000BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB000000BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB00 0000BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB000000BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB000000BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB000000BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB000000} OnClick = btnPrevPageClick end object lblPage: TLabel Left = 209 Top = 9 Width = 25 Height = 13 Caption = 'Page' end object btnNextPage: TSpeedButton Left = 177 Top = 4 Width = 25 Height = 25 Glyph.Data = { 4E010000424D4E01000000000000760000002800000012000000120000000100 040000000000D800000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00BBBBBBFFFFFF BBBBBB000000BBBBBB78888FBBBBBB000000BBBBBB78888FBBBBBB000000BBBB BB78888FBBBBBB000000BBBBBB78888FBBBBBB000000BBBBBB78888FBBBBBB00 00007FFFFFF8888FFFFFFF00000078888888888888888F000000788888888888 88888F00000078888888888888888F00000078888888888888888F0000007777 7778888F77777F000000BBBBBB78888FBBBBBB000000BBBBBB78888FBBBBBB00 0000BBBBBB78888FBBBBBB000000BBBBBB78888FBBBBBB000000BBBBBB78888F BBBBBB000000BBBBBB777777BBBBBB000000} OnClick = btnNextPageClick end object Label4: TLabel Left = 117 Top = 9 Width = 28 Height = 13 Caption = 'Page:' end object btnPreview: TButton Left = 8 Top = 4 Width = 49 Height = 25 Caption = 'Preview' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = btnPreviewClick end object ZoomList: TComboBox Left = 253 Top = 6 Width = 77 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 Items.Strings = ( '200%' '175%' '150%' '125%' '100%' '50%' 'Fit To Width' 'Fit To Height' 'Whole Page') TabOrder = 1 Text = '25%' OnClick = ZoomListClick OnKeyPress = ZoomListKeyPress end object btnPrint: TButton Left = 60 Top = 4 Width = 49 Height = 25 Caption = 'Print' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = btnPrintClick end end object ZoomTimer: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 50 OnTimer = ZoomTimerTimer Left = 276 Top = 260 end end